2013年4月30日 星期二

[轉載] 紐約時報: 2013年該拜訪的46個地方 第三名-尼加拉瓜!! New York Times: The 46 Places to Go in 2013, No.3- Nicaragua!


紐約時報昨天的文章" The 46 Places to Go in 2013"

Happily, 第三名是尼加拉瓜呢!!


"If the name Oliver North(注) means anything to you, there’s a good chance that Nicaragua doesn’t jump to your mind when you think of a relaxing, high-end, spa-filled vacation. For the past 30 years, the country has been fighting its image as a land of guerrilla warfare and covert arms deals. At first, only travel writers took note; over the past several years, various publications have declared the country the next great destination. However, if the booming eco-lodge business is any indication, Nicaragua’s moment might finally have arrived. In and around the coastal towns of San Juan del Sur and Maderas, new lodges like the Aqua Wellness Resort, the high-end (and soon-to-open) Mukul Resort and Jicaro Island Eco-Lodge are cropping up near old-time eco-lodges, like Morgan’s Rock Hacienda and Eco-Lodge. The food scene is getting a high-end makeover as well, with top chefs opening restaurants. The most exciting ones — El Segundo, La Casserole, Ciudad Lounge and La Finca y El Mar — are proof that Nicaragua is becoming an impressive food destination in its own right.  — Danielle Pergament"

注:Oliver North,諾斯中校為1980年代美國總統雷根政府時期尼加拉瓜軍售案的主要人物之一,當時其未經國會同意便出售武器給伊朗以換取經費,用於支持尼加拉瓜反共游擊隊;反共游擊隊(Contras)親美,反對當時、也是現在執政的左派桑定黨政府。

 "如果你知道奧立弗·諾斯(Oliver North)這個名字,那你很可能不會將尼加拉瓜想成是一個適合享受輕鬆高雅溫泉假期的地方。在過去30年,這個國家一直在力圖改變其游擊戰場和秘密軍事交易的形象。一開始,只有旅遊記者會注意到這裡;在過去幾年,許多出版物都聲稱這個國家是下一個傑出旅遊勝地。不過,如果日漸興旺的環保酒店產業可以作為參考的話,那尼加拉瓜的好日子或許終於要到來了。在海岸城鎮南聖胡安(San Juan del Sur)和馬德拉斯(Maderas)以及它們周圍,諸如Aqua Wellness Resort、(即將開業的)高端酒店Mukul ResortJicaro Island Eco-Lodge等等新旅舍,正在Morgan’s Rock HaciendaEco-Lodge等舊時代環保生態旅舍附近相繼出現。而美食業也正在接受高端化改造,頂尖廚師開設了各種餐廳。其中最令人激動的幾家——El Segundo La CasseroleCiudad LoungeLa Finca y El Mar等都在證明,尼加拉瓜正在靠自身力量成為引人注目的美食勝地。——Danielle Pergament "


英文原文: http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2013/01/10/travel/2013-places-to-go.html?_r=0
中文翻譯: http://cn.nytimes.com/article/travel/2013/04/28/c28places/